» » Luka - Jane Harvey-Berrick

Luka - Jane Harvey-Berrick

I'm not a good man.
I'm not a bad man.
But I've made some bad mistakes, made the wrong choices.
Who hasn't? But the consequences are tearing us apart.

I love two people.
I love them differently.
The world tells me I have to choose. Why? Why do I have to choose?
Loving hurts. Dancing heals.

Love makes you soar, makes you fly and sets you free—and then it lets you freefall until you're smashed and bleeding on the ground. Ultimately, love is the worst thing that can happen to a human being.

Im my opinion.
I love two people.
I love them differently.
One is a man.
One is a woman.
And they are brother and sister.

**** A stand alone novel in the best-selling Rhythm Series. **** (less)

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20-12-2019, 22:48 0 0


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